Data Files of Participants in Table 8 (Family Therapy)

The items are categories, taking for each individual the maximal score of the category obtained in the experiment, as explained in the paper. The PQ complaints and their data that were used to create these category scores are reported in the paper in Table 8. The categories (= items) are numbered A-R in the paper but 1-18 here.

First the pre-treatment data sets.

Here is the data file of mother (participant 1) before treatment.

Here is the data file of Zarastro (participant 2) before treatment.

Here is the data file of José (participant 3) before treatment.

Here is the data file of Amadeus (participant 4) before treatment.

Next the data sets after treatment.

Here is the data file of mother (participant 1) after treatment.

Here is the data file of Zarastro (participant 2) after treatment.

Here is the data file of José (participant 3) after treatment.

Here is the data file of Amadeus (participant 4) after treatment.